If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram you know that I recently read the entire Bible in a year. I’m slightly embarrassed to say this is my first time doing that. Yet it reminded me that we are never too young or too old to dig into God’s word. Because reading the entire Bible in chronological order was so life changing for me I am now very passionate about others doing the same! I especially want to instill this habit in my kids which is why I am in love with one of the resources I had the privilege of reviewing for Tommy Nelson this month(more on that later in this post).
Here are 3 tips/resources I think will help get you started on your Bible reading journey:
- Make a plan! I am a big believer in making plans if we want to succeed at anything in life. In fact, the Bible says “Without a vision people perish”(Proverbs 29:18). The same is true for a exercising your body. If you just go off how you feel you most likely will never exercise. For me, Bible reading and physical exercise are the first thing on my calendar for the day. It sets my heart, mind and body on the right path for my entire day. With all that said, extend yourself grace! Yes I miss workouts and Bible readings from time to time. But I never use that as an excuse to quit all together. Brush yourself off, get back up and go for it again.
- Use free resources to keep you on track! When I read through the Bible in a year I used this chronological plan. However, if you aren’t a pen and paper gal like me you can simply use the free Bible app and follow one of their many plans! I also love another free app called “Between Alpha & Omega”. You can set it to send you scripture reminders on your phone at certain times of the day. You even get to choose the topics you would like the scriptures to be on. I can’t tell you how many times those scriptures coming to me were exactly what I needed in that moment.
- Use FUN resources! I love how the christian community is coming out with awesome tools to make Bible reading fun and exciting. As I mentioned before, I got to review Tommy Nelson’s new resource the “Color Code Bible” this month. Technically this resource is for kids but I am going to be honest here and say that I use it too! This Bible explains each chapter in further details on who wrote it and other history details. It also color codes verses for different categories like spiritual growth, God, Jesus, prayer/praise, heaven, sin/evil and new life. So if you are searching for a particular topic you just look for that highlighted color in the Bible. My kids & I love it! You can order your copy from Amazon here:
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Would you like to WIN a copy of the Color Code Bible from Tommy Nelson? Enter the rafflicopter for a chance to win!
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Great easy tips for bible reading. I really like to use bible apps and Kay Arthur inductive study guides to help me study.
Ohh I will have to check those out!
You Version is a resource I use daily!
I love that too!
I’m interested how that Bible is color coded… Sounds fun!
You will love it!
I love to use a journal to keep track of reading the Bible!!
Fun! How do you do that Amber? I need to do more journaling!
I am making a commitment to be intentional, consistent, and obedient. I need all the resources I can get to help me walk this journey. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks for a great giveaway Rachael! I enjoy reading through a book of the Bible for 30 days and also using bible studies in my quiet time!