When I started a simple blog four years ago, I never dreamed it would open many doors of opportunities to influence more people. I was simply walking in obedience and doing what God had asked of me. 

I meet women all of the time now who ask how to get started being an online influencer. The following three things may sound simple but are crucial if you are just getting started (or need a reboot on what you are currently doing in your online business or ministry): 

Know your why

One thing you may hear me say often is “Your why must be bigger than your what if’s”. 

I say it often because it is the truth. If your “what ifs” speak the loudest than you will never move forward in obedience. “What ifs” often sound like fear and doubt. Some examples may be, “What if no one reads what I write? What if no one buys the product? What if no one shows up? What if I say something stupid? What if people laugh at me?”

But our why is what motivates us to move. My “why” is because I want to live a life of YES when God calls so that others in my sphere of influence are motivated to do the same. 

What is your why? 

Write it down once you know so you can remember it on days you want to quit. 

Know your who

When I first started blogging I did it simply because God told me to start writing. Then he asked me to start speaking. Next came the podcast. As I’ve gone along, I found I was saying yes to the call but not always knowing who I was speaking to. 

The best piece of advice I can tell you in narrowing down your audience is to think of ONE person. Write or speak to her every time. Your audience will feel seen, understood and heard. And developing content for your audience will become easy for you.

Know your where

If you haven’t noticed, there are a lot of place you can influence online these days. A website is an easy place to start and social media is ever growing and always changing. I would recommend choosing one place to start and doing it well. Have fun with it. You don’t have to be in all the places but you do get to be where God calls you. If you don’t have peace with a certain social media channel, don’t do it. Follow the peace and God will plant you exactly where he wants you.

Would you like to know more details on exactly how to become an online influencer AND get paid to do what you love? I am launching a beta round of The Intentional Influencers™ course with group coaching in 2019. Be the first to know when registration is open by clicking here

Be sure to join the FREE Intentional Influencer group on Facebook here! 

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