I believe that every woman has a God-given call on her life. As a counselor, I see how things like trauma, fear, negative core beliefs, and identity issues keep people stuck in relationships and life.Ā 

Hi, I’m Rachael, and I help Christian women overcome all that holds them back so they can live free and walk confidently in who they are in Christ.Ā 

Do you desire to be a fear fighter and boldly pursue the dreams God put in your heart? Or maybe you just want to be able to walk into a room and not shrink in insecurity?Ā 

I did, too! But I wasn’t sure how to turn those dreams into a reality. And I had no desire to “fake it to until I made it.”Ā 

If you know me today, you may not believe that I used to be very shy and wanted to blend in with the crowd. I remember hiding behind my mom as a child when someone asked my name.

The label of “shy” followed me around until high school when I slowly started coming out of my shell. I began to take risks in high school, only to find myself making poor decisions that ruined my reputation. I vowed to move away to college and be unknown and unseen.

But God had different plans.

After I was married at the young age of 21, God got a hold of my heart in a very personal and real way and I haven’t been the same since. Through Jesus and therapy, God healed the pain that I encountered in life and used them to shape me into the confident woman I am today.Ā 

I began to walk out the truth from 2 Timothy 1:7 “For God has not given you a spirit of fear or timidity, but power, love, and a sound mind.”Ā 

In 2015 I began to blog, which has opened doors for me to write for magazines, publish devotionals, speak at women’s conferences, launch a weekly podcast, and write my first book, Image Restored.Ā 

After being a stay at home mom and group fitness instructor for a decade, God opened a door for me to attend The King’s University where I received my Master’s in Marriage & Family Therapy. I am now a Licensed Professional Counselor and co-owner of BBC Health in Lewisville, Tx.Ā 

I offer services, like podcasting, counseling, and books, to help women bravely live the life God uniquely designed when He knit you together in your mother’s womb.

Much like Moses, I was hesitant to step out in faith, but as I’ve said “yes” God has cultivated and equipped me for the call. He has brought many “Aarons” into my life to help unlock my gifts. I want to pass that gift on to others…and I believe that’s why you are here today.Ā 

If you are ready for some extra encouragement in your life, click the button below. I recommend signing up for my Therapist Thoughts newsletter that gets delivered once a month, directly to your inbox.Ā 

I’m cheering for you,Ā 

Rachael Joy

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