
Talk Therapy: The Growth Series

We serve a God of growth. Just look all around you. From the beautiful trees and flowers to human beings. When God says grow, nothing we do will stop it from happening. Don’t be mistaken, even when we don’t SEE the growth, it is happening. If you feel stuck or...

christian counseling

4 Simple Grounding Techniques

One of my favorite things to do as a therapist is to give my clients resources they can use outside of the therapy room. I call this their "therapy toolbox". We do our best to fill it with useful tools they can use as the need arises. Grounding techniques are a...


4 Simple Ways to Process Anger

As a counselor in training, I have discovered that many people suffer from chronic stress and anxiety simply because they do not allow themselves to feel the emotions that arise. Anger and other emotions are normal human responses.  Ephesians 4:26 says: "Be angry...

christian counseling

Retreat in Order to Advance

This week I felt God drop it on my heart to speak to you about why we need to retreat in order to advance. This word came to me for the JOYmail newsletter I send once a month. By the way, if you aren’t on that list click here to join.  I love to look to Jesus to...

christian counseling

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