If you’ve followed my blog for long, you know that many of my posts come from moments with my kids. While I love doing ministry outside the home I believe our greatest calling in life is inside our home (this is true for both men and women). I admit that I fail in this area often and God has to realign my heart with his.

My dad was a pastor, and he too, used us, kids, to illustrate what God was teaching him. I will never forget when I was 5 years old I told him I needed to see him in his office. I sat him down and told him to stop using me in sermon illustrations because it was embarrassing me. He recently reminded me of that story and we had a good laugh together. But it reminded me to tell you all that I never share stories or pictures of my kids without asking them first. I love using them as illustrations but only if they feel mom is a safe place. (just a side note for those of you to consider who may be writers and/or speakers).

I told you last week that I was sent a few books from Tommy Nelson to review on my blog. One of those books was called “Brave Girls Confidential“. Both of my girls devoured this book within a day. It is full of stories about girls (Gracie, Glory, Hope, Faith, Honor) who have a sleepover and tell stories of faith and friendship. 

As I watched my girls come alive from reading this book, I knew I wanted to bring it to life for them. My oldest daughter was turning eleven in a few weeks so I decided to make it a slumber party and let them do that very thing…tell stories of faith and friendship!

Party favors…Brave Girls devotional & these adorable emoji pencils from Target!

We love the entire line of Brave Girls by Tommy Nelson so I bought them each their own 90 Day Brave Girls devotional. Then, at the party, we took turns having each girl be in the “hot seat” while her friends spoke words over her. For one minute, they shouted out words that describe her and another friend wrote those words in her Brave Girls devotional. I told them to look at those words on days they feel down to remind them of the truth.

Speaking words over each other.

As a mom, it was fun to sit back and watch these girls speak life, hope, and truth over one another. We live in a world where girls, and women, don’t always build each other up. We tend to get stuck in the comparison and jealousy cycle that leaves us with nothing but ashes and broken relationships. I am on a mission to raise up a new generation of girls who love God, themselves and others.


Will you join me in raising a generation of BRAVE girls? Don’t forget, it starts first with you, mom.

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