Rejoice always, pray without ceasing. 1 Thes. 5:16-17

I love to pray. I’m not talking about the kind of fancy prayers that put you to sleep. To put it simply, I love talking with God all day, every day.

I don’t schedule a time to pray because prayer is part of who I am. Prayer is like brushing our teeth. We do it so much without giving it any thought. I do not have to write myself a note on my calendar to brush my teeth, it just happens because it is a part of my lifestyle. And if I ever go about my day without brushing my teeth, the stench coming out of my mouth is quick to remind me to get it done.

Isn’t it the same for prayer? Once it becomes a daily habit we don’t even have to think about doing it. When we don’t’ start our day out in prayer, the stench coming out of our mouth in words remind us quickly to get alone with God.

I feel like prayer has been turned into something very complicated that scares people from having an open and honest communication with God. Think about a close relationship you have with your spouse or a friend. In order to get to know that person, you go to lunch or for coffee. You talk. The conversation goes back and forth. Because you cherish that friend, you actively listen and vice versa.

God longs to be in intimate relationship with each one of us. Yes, he wants to answers our prayers (or requests) but only once we have sought a relationship with him. When we are in a relationship with him we will pray the heart of our father. There is nothing that brings him greater joy than to answer an immediate “yes” when we pray for his will.

It is his will for us to be free, transformed, provided for, loved, in a relationship with others and thriving in all that we do. Get to know him today and watch as your heart and life are transformed by your supernatural prayers.

Every morning I start with a simple prayer that opens the communication between me and my savior:

Father, I yield to you as my shepherd today. Thank you for your goodness, mercy, love, supernatural favor and wisdom that follow me everywhere I go. I pray you will bless me and my family indeed. Enlarge our territory in all that we do. Keep your hand upon us and deliver us from evil. In Jesus precious and might name, amen.

This prayer is not about the words but about the heart behind them. I am simply saying “I want to be in a relationship with you all day, every day”. Find your words and say them to the father to start your day connected to him.

Because I love to pray I am passionate about teaching my kids how to pray. I was thrilled when I got, “The Prayer Bible” in the mail to review from Tommy Nelson. This is another resource that will be used by both me and my kids.

The Prayer Bible comes with a Prayer Journal and is filled with useful resources. Some of my favorites are the “How to use Your Prayer Bible, Prayer Article Index, and Kids Q & A“. There are bold words throughout the Bible that indicate there is a definition for that word or phrase in the back. I love that it teaches our kids how to pray with God’s word. That is powerful.

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P.S. If you are reading this today and you can’t relate to talking to God all day, every day, you are not alone. I am praying that as you read this post, God will stir a desire in you to come to know him more. Start by simply saying “God, I want to know you more. Meet me here today and teach me to be in a relationship with you“.

Praying for you,

Rachael Joy

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