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In this episode of Real Talk with Rachael I’m talking with my friend, Kat Lee who is passionate about teaching others how to jumpstart each day with a grace-filled, life-giving morning routine. She is a writer, speaker, podcaster, and founder of She and her husband, Jimmy, live in Waco, Texas with their three children.

Key points from today’s conversation:

  • Kat originally started her morning routines with the attitude that if it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing poorly.
  • God time, plan time and move time all serve the same purpose – to bring God glory and bring others to Him.
  • When we focus on God’s purpose for our lives, it changes not only the way we think about planning and fitness but the importance of them.
  • We often overlook our time with God because we think of it as something to mark off a to-do list than a time to connect.
  • “So often we wait for it to be perfect later in the day that we don’t just make that initial connection in the morning that can lead to so much more.”
  • “Guilt is only an indication, not an identity.” Guilt should always be followed by grace.
  • “Look at your morning routine as a path you’re choosing to be on instead of a goal to accomplish.”
  • “It’s never about when we start a day, it’s about how we start a day.”
  • Use your guilt as a prompt. The moment you think you blew it is the exact moment you need to spend time with God.
  • Hold everything loosely and keep asking God what He wants for you. It’s not about perfection, it about progress.


Bible Memory app
Verses app
3 Minute Morning Starter Kit
Praying for Your Family Calendar

Let’s Get Real Practical:

8 Ways to Build a Habit:

  1. Differentiate between goals and habits
  2. Start with small changes
  3. Update your environment
  4. Tie new habits to other activities
  5. Some practice is better than no practice
  6. Tell someone you’re starting a new habit
  7. Track your habit
  8. Celebrate your successes

This week, ask God what habits He wants you to build, then pick ONE of the steps above to implement in your routine.

Episode Sponsor:

Daily Kairos – get 20% off when you visit and use the promo code REALTALK20 at checkout!

Connect with Kat: podcastwebsiteInstagramfacebook
Connect with Rachael: websiteInstagramFacebook

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