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This week on Real Talk with Rachael I’m talking with revivalist, author, and Director of Saturate Global, Jessi Green. After being radically saved in her Manhattan apartment after a radical encounter with God, she has been on a journey to go “all in” and discover the “real” Jesus and ignite the Church for revival. She is passionate about preaching the Gospel, shaking religious systems, and equipping the saints to make disciples. She believes that everyone is qualified to share the Good News and teach others to follow Jesus. While enjoying the sun in North Carolina with her two sons David Leonidas and Ethan Everest and baby daughter Summer Kingsley, she passionately speaks about what it means to follow a Jesus who is alive and wants to transform cities and your life.

Key Points from Our Conversation:

  • Revival typically happens when the church is in crisis. Jessi was told, “The harvest begins summer of 2020, prepare the nets.” Revival is happening in every city if we choose to partner with the Holy Spirit.
  • We don’t always need revival, but there are certain indications in society that create an environment for revival such as jealousy and evil rumors within the church or when the church has lost its love for one another.
  • We often confuse mass salvation with revival, but salvation is simply the fruit of becoming ignited in love for Jesus.
  • Revival fire is deposited in the hearts of young people who are a part of it. God creates a synergy among children in revival to help usher in the next revival.
  • God is not withholding Himself from us. If you want to experience revival, the question is how deep do you want to go? As you go deeper, you lose control. Ask yourself what it is that’s preventing you from going all-in with Jesus.
  • After His crucifixion, Jesus tells us that it was better for Him to leave in the flesh so that the Holy Spirit could come to dwell with us. That requires a response from us because saying no to the Holy Spirit is rejecting what Christ is offering you. Ask the Lord to teach you through scripture about the nature of Jesus and the purpose of the Holy Spirit.
  • You can help support revivalists by attending a Saturate Global event, joining a volunteer team, donating money to revival ministries, and praying for discernment, wisdom, and protection over the families o the people doing this work. You can find more practical tips in Jessi’s book Wildfires: Revolt Against Apathy and Ignite Your World with God’s Power.

Let’s Get Real Practical:

I don’t have any action steps for you to take this week, but I do ask that you’d take a moment and pray with me to usher in the spirit of revival right where we are.

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Connect with Jessi: website | Instagram | Facebook
Connect with Rachael: website | Instagram | Facebook

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