This week on Real Talk with Rachael I’m talking with Juli Bevere. She is a co-founder of and she desires to see the sons and daughters of God rise to their potential so that their impact reverberates long after their final breath. Julianna is deeply in love with her husband, Addison, and together they have four adorable offspring—Asher (12), Sophia (10), Elizabeth (7), and Augustus (5). Julianna and her family live in Colorado Springs, but she’ll always be a Texan at heart.
Key Points from Our Conversation:
- In her new book, I AM: Find Your Identity. Claim Your Freedom. Embrace the Adventure, Juli demystifies what the Bible says about us as children of God by defining terms that have been clouded (“holy”, “righteous,” “called”) and explaining how we can contextualize them for our lives.
- Too often we let comparison be the dictator of what’s enough in our lives. When you’re being cultivated and allowing God to grow you, to figure out who it is you’re needed to be – that’s your calling, not what you’re doing. What you put your hands to will continually change.
- “Calling happens in the seemingly mundane. Your calling is not only what you do, but more deeply, it’s who you are.”
- Believing in your value as a daughter of God is not a one-time revelation. It comes from positionally knowing who you are and whose you are with nothing to prove or hide. Being a daughter of God allows you to enter the world in a position where you can give because you are loved and not looking to receive. Growth requires consistently making space, removing distractions, and sitting with God.
- “We do a disservice to the world when we walk into situations looking to receive from the world rather than give to it. That’s what it means to be a son and daughter of God.”
- Your calling is not one task, vocation, or achievement. It’s multifaceted beautiful and complex. It’s God’s intention for you to change grow and develop.
- Look at your life holistically. So much of your calling is being a light in the different roles in your life. We are all part of the body of Christ, not the totality. No one is doing it all on their own.
Resources Mentioned:
I AM: Find Your Identity. Claim Your Freedom. Embrace the Adventure
Messenger X app
Let’s Get Real Practical:
We’re all listening to someone or something and we need to be more aware and intentional about who we let speak into our lives. This week think about one “I am” statement that you need to replace, then be intentional about replacing that lie with the truth of God’s Word.
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Connect with Juli: website | Instagram
Connect with Rachael: website | Instagram | Facebook