This week on Real Talk with Rachael I’m talking with Amanda Pittman. Amanda is the author of Stand in Confidence and the devotional 100 Days of Life-Changing Confidence, as well as a speaker, entrepreneur, and the Founder of Confident Woman Co., a ministry that equips women to stand confidently upon the finished work of Jesus. Through Confident Woman Co., Amanda hosts retreats, conferences, online events, podcasts, videos, and more. Amanda lives near Dallas, Texas with her husband, Michael, and her two children, Elijah and Lily.

Key Points from Our Conversation:

  • Our job is obedience, God’s job is the outcome. Our job is faithfulness, God’s job is fruitfulness.
  • Clarity leads to confidence and confusion leads to insecurity. Many times we lack clarity because we lack connection to God. We’re more connected to the world so we can’t see God or ourselves clearly. The more connected to God we are, the more confident we are. You can find confidence that lasts in a standard that never changes – the sacrifice of Jesus.
  • 4 components of confidence –
    Clarity – knowing your identity and design will help you know what to do
    Connection – first with God, then with others. Involve God in who you surround yourself with
    Competency – the more competent you are, the more confident you are. Do the work of healing and finding freedom from your past by renewing your mind
    Conviction – It’s the “why” that drives you. We need to be others-focused. We get insecure when we focus on ourselves.
  • As Christians, we don’t have to discover who we are – we are a new creation, children of God – you just have to embrace it. We don’t have to search within ourselves to find meaning – we find meaning in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ which demonstrates His love for us. We must internalize it.
  • Instead of attempting to change your behavior, focus on reorienting your identity. Renew your mind by identifying yourself with righteousness rather than sin.
  • God does not have a speaking problem, but we often have a listening problem. If you are a child of God, you can hear His voice if you will create a space that allows you to tune out others and hear His still, small voice.

Let’s Get Real Practical:

When praying about this section, God gave me two things to focus on – “rest and hear.” Rest is a commandment for our well-being. It’s a gift and where we can best hear God’s voice.

This week ask:
How can I rest in my work?
“God, show me pockets of rest in my day.”
What does a Sabbath day of rest look like in this season?
“Holy Spirit, what are you whispering to me today?”

Connect with Amanda: website | Instagram | Facebook
Connect with Rachael: website | Instagram | Facebook

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