This week on Real Talk with Rachael, I’m talking with Gwen Smith – a popular conference speaker, author, worship leader, coach, podcaster and volleyball enthusiast who lives in sunny North Carolina and has been married to her hunky college honey, Brad, for 26 years. They are tired parents to three tall young adults who keep them on their toes and on their knees.
Her online friends meet at where she helps women know and trust God more. Her popular podcast, GRACEOLOGIE with Gwen Smith, has fun, faith-focused, grace-filled interview-style conversations with practical tips and honest discussions to encourage women in meaningful ways to live out and lean on the grace of Jesus in the midst of cluttered, messy days.

Today we’re talking about:
- Managing our online time and prayer time with less distraction by using a notepad to jot down distracting thoughts during prayer time and changing your browser homepage to a blank webpage to avoid being bombarded by entertainment and news.
- How to get to know God in whatever season you’re currently in.
- How Gwen helps women grow in faith beyond their “feelings, failures, and fears” through K.N.E.E.E.L – Know Him, Notify (your heart, your enemy, and your girlfriends), Express the Mess, Exchange Your Will for His, Expand your Heart in Worship, Learn the Word.
- Gwen’s latest book, I Want It All: Exchanging Your Average Life for Deeper Faith, Greater Power, and More Impact.
- Gwen’s previous books: Broken into Beautiful: How God Restores the Wounded Heart, Trusting God: A Girlfriends in God Faith Adventure and Knowing God by Name: A Girlfriends in God Faith Adventure
- Gwen’s inductive Bible studies.
Plus: Don’t forget to head to to take our writer’s quiz!

Connect with Gwen on her website, Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. Connect with Rachael on the website, Instagram and/or Facebook.