Hi fit friends! For today’s #firstfruitfriday I have a short devotional and FREE workout calendar printable. Enjoy!





“Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.” Zechariah 4:10

POWER THOUGHT: Small steps of obedience yield big fruit and blessings.


I used to be an “all or nothing” girl when it came to my quiet time with God and taking care of my body. I would make grand plans to get up hours early to read my Bible, pray, workout and prepare fresh, healthy meals for me and my family. Then when I quickly realized I couldn’t sustain that lifestyle with my young kids I would decide I just wouldn’t do anyting at all. I am so grateful that the Lord taught me to bring the first and best of myself to him. God knows we go through different seasons when we have more time and/or resources to offer. But the enemy wants us to believe the lie that if we can’t do it all we should do nothing. That lie keeps many people from walking in all that God has in store for them. If you know you can’t read the Bible for an entire hour then figure out what you can do. A verse a day is better than nothing at all. The word of God is like food to our body. If we starve ourselves we will eventually die. The same is true for physical exercise. If you can’t go to the gym and workout for 1-2 hours, find what works for you. Maybe you can workout at home or go for a short walk/jog. Our bodies were created to move and if we don’t move it we lose it. We lose function and mobility in our joints and we aren’t able to enjoy life as God intended for us to. Small, baby steps will equal big results over time. The Lord rejoices to simply see the work begin.


Take a few minutes to read these questions and journal your answers:

  1. What lie have you believed about small beginning?
  2. What baby steps can you make in your spiritual walk?
  3. What baby steps can you make in your exercise & eating habits?


Print this FREE 30 Day Fit Challenge calendar that can be edited each month to keep track of your Bible reading & workouts. Start with a baby step of 10 minutes a day then work up from there!

(This is only a screenshot of the calendar, to download the pdf click the link provided below)

You can download it here: 30 day fit challenge calendar

P.S. If you would like to grab a tank or tee with the First Fruit Fitness logo you can do so by heading over to the store HERE. There a bunch of colors and styles to choose from. The store closes in 5 days on Tuesday, Jan.17th so grab one quick. Thanks for supporting this ministry!

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 along with a freebie designed just for YOU.

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