My guess is that every one of us has either said those 2 words or had them said to you at some point in your life. Those words tend to have a negative connotation with them. When spoken it seems we have given up on something or as some say “thrown in the towel”. To quit sometimes feels like failure or giving up on a dream.

How do the words “I quit” relate to fitness? Keep reading because you might be shocked at the amount of “weight” you might lose today!  Come into my world for a moment and see if I can’t help you see the words “I quit” a bit differently.

As I had my quiet time with God I was sharing my burdens with him. I told him all the areas I feel I’m not doing enough and am feeling frustrated at the lack of growth. As I shared these things he gently whispered “whose standards are you measuring yourself up to?”. He began to unravel my heart and show me that this pressure I feel from all sides to be the best mom, wife, friend, fitness instructor, business owner and ministry leader were not from him. Somewhere over the years I have looked to the right and to the left rather than up to him and given myself measures of which I need to perform. I stopped looking to him for guidance and started looking to people for approval. So today I am drawing the line in the sand and saying I quit to these things:

  • I QUIT trying to do it all. I only have so much time in one day and can’t do it all. So instead I will resolve to do only the things God has called me to say yes to.
  • I QUIT putting pressure on myself to always look the part. No I am not the most ripped group fitness instructor around. But if you would like someone who will be real with you and challenge you to take care of your body to live a long and full life then I’m your girl. Sorry, no six pack of abs here.
  • I QUIT trying to keep up with the Joneses. Me, nor my kids, are defined by the brand of clothes we wear or the car we drive. I will NOT compromise my joy to get those things.
  • I QUIT receiving guilt when I can’t make it to every function or party that me and/or my kids are invited to. If friends can’t understand a “no” then perhaps they aren’t true friends after all(chew on that one for a while).
  • I QUIT looking at how other people run their ministry or blogs. No, I cannot commit to delivering super creative content in your inbox on a weekly basis but I will commit to delivering IF and WHEN the Lord asks me to. I am ok if that unsettles you and you need to unfollow this blog too(no hard feelings).
  • I QUIT believing the worst about people when I am not invited or included in their gatherings. I commit to believe the BEST about people and not put words in their mouth or actions. I choose joy even when I’m uninvited because I always have invitation to sit with the King.
  • I QUIT comparing my kids to other people’s kids. My kids have gifts theirs don’t and vice versa. Let’s cultivate the God given gifts within each of our children rather than compare and feel threatened by others.
  • I QUIT trying to be anyone other than me. I have been bothered at times that I am such a deep thinker and can sometimes be seen as quiet and reserved. Instead I choose to look at that as a gift from God because I sit quiet long enough to see things and hear his voice in ways I never would have been able to. I am going to be ME and you be YOU. Please, our world needs us to be who God created us to be rather than wasting our time wishing we were like someone else.

I’m sure this “I QUIT” list will grow as the years go on but for now this will do. I feel like I just lost 20 lbs. in 2 minutes of writing this out. Can I challenge you to make an “I quit” list? You will lose some “weight” and be released to pursue the things God has called you to that only YOU can do.

For you will break the yoke of their slavery
and lift the heavy burden from their shoulders.
You will break the oppressor’s rod,
just as you did when you destroyed the army of Midian. (Isa.9:4)

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