Today on Talk Therapy we are discussing common signs of burnout and how to avoid it.
Here are some common signs of burnout:
- Exhaustion and fatigue
- Insomnia
- A negative attitude about work, etc.
- Increased use of tobacco, alcohol, coffee, or drugs
- Negative self-concept
- Aggressive feelings
- Psychosomatic illness
- Absenteeism or poor performance
- Loss of appetite or overeating
- Guilt
- Passive feelings
The best way to avoid burnout is to prevent it all together. The following questions can help with self-assessment:
- Ask yourself difficult questions about how you are. My favorite question to ask friends and clients is, “how is your heart?”.
- The more honestly you can answer these questions, the better prepared you will be to make changes, as necessary.
- Utilize this self-care assessment form
- Try these self-care ideas
- Don’t forget, self-care is a multi-dimensional aspect of ourselves. Look at this wellness wheel and see where you may be deficient.

Check out these videos on self-care & emotions:
- Emotion, Stress, & Health
- Emotions: Handle them before they handle you
- Emotional Mastery
- Why you feel what you feel
Finally, be sure to listen in to the short podcast episode above.
I am always cheering for you.
Rachael Joy