For the month of December, we will spend every Monday morning in a series called “Praise, Process, & Pray Through 2021”. Y’all loved this series so much last year that we brought it back again. Each week the focus will be different, but the theme of praising, processing, and praying will remain the same. If you tuned in last year, you might have noticed we just processed and prayed. This year, I felt God ask me to add praise. God is always worthy of our praise so we’ll start each episode by praising Him, no matter the circumstances.
Part 1: Praise, Process, & Pray Through Change
Psalm 150:5 says “Let everything that has breathe praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!”. If you are listening to this message, it means you have breath in your body. Let’s take a moment to use our own breathe to praise the Lord for whatever comes to mind. I asked the Lord to show me areas he wants us to process before we move into 2022 and the first he brought up change. This can look like closed doors, redirection, or loss.
Process these questions throughout the week in a journal. You can find the questions in the show notes or at under the podcast tab.
- What change or closed doors did I experience in 2021?
- What was lost in 2021?
- Have I addressed that loss or numbed the pain with passive activities like eating, shopping, social media, or other avoidant activities?
- God, what do you want to redeem that was stolen in 2021?
Man’s rejection can often be God’s direction. Take a moment to ask God where He is taking you.
Resource: 3 Action Steps to Overcome Fear & Pursue Your God-Given Dreams
Part 2: Praise, Process, & Pray Through Relationships
Relationships are hard yet we need them. Let’s start by praising God for the relationships we do have. Start by thanking God for anyone currently in your life. Thank God for what he did in relationships. This year, I grew closer to my oldest daughter and my husband.
Broken relationships have the potential to hold great power over us. Dr. Robert Anthony says, “When you blame others you give up your power to change.” I lost a friendship this year and it left me feeling confused, betrayed, and lonely. Every time that friend comes to mind, I choose to release and bless her.
Pray over broken relationships. Pray over 2022, that the Lord will restore broken relationships and bring new ones in as needed.
Resource: Six Steps to Clear Communication
Part 3: Praise, Process & Pray Through Body Image
I am finishing up the first draft of my manuscript on body image and one thing I know for certain is that the Lord cares about every area of our lives, including our bodies.
Praise: Thank God for your body. Speak life over her.
1. How is my relationship with my body?
2. Are there any feelings of shame or pride around my body that I need to release?
3. What season is my body in? *permission to age and change
4. Letter to your body
Pray: Over body image and health in 2021.
Resource: Biblical Body Image Coloring Book
Part 4: Praise, Process & Pray Through Desires and Dreams
Praise: For the dreams that have come to pass this year. And for the dreams that will come to pass.
Process: Dreams that fizzled. Let’s ask the Lord some questions about those dreams:
1. Was that dream from you?
2. Do you want to bring that dream back to life?
3. Is it time to let that dream go?
4. What dream do you want to deposit in my heart for 2022?
Pray: Lord, we only want to seek the dreams that you have deposited in our hearts. Uproot any dreams or desires that are not from you. I am willing to work hard, but I do not want to labor in vain. Build these dreams in ways only can, father. I want to partner with you.
Resource: 3 Action Steps to Overcome Fear & Pursue Your God-Given Dreams