by Rachael Gilbert | Blog, Podcast
As a counselor in training, I have discovered that many people suffer from chronic stress and anxiety simply because they do not allow themselves to feel the emotions that arise. Anger and other emotions are normal human responses. Ephesians 4:26 says: “Be...
by Rachael Gilbert | Blog, Podcast
Last week I released an episode on the first “before and after” in the Bible. As I started this conversation on beauty I realize I am ruffling feathers or as some would say, stepping on toes. Actually, it is not I who is doing the ruffling but the holy...
by Rachael Gilbert | Blog, Podcast
Last week I released an episode called, the beauty battle. I started the conversation about where this battle for beauty began and I challenged us to examine our hearts for any beauty idols. This week I am continuing that conversation about beauty. As I was scrolling...
by Rachael Gilbert | Blog, Podcast
Ephesians 4:15, “Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ.” Part one: What is confrontation and why do we need to do it regularly for healthy relationships? Part...
by Rachael Gilbert | Blog, Podcast
*I have permission to share this story from my daughter* A few years ago we were homeschooling and during math my daughter became angry. There were some yelling and a lot of tears (both from her and myself). I was just starting graduate school to become a therapist...