Week One: Big Praise
We’re kicking off our annual Process & Pray series in today’s Talk Therapy episode. Every Monday in December, we’ll create space to reflect on the year, invite God into our journey, and prepare our hearts for what’s ahead.
This week, we’re starting with gratitude by praising God for His goodness and who He is. As you process and pray, consider this question: “Jesus, what victories do you want to remind me of from this year?”
Process & Pray:
- What victories or breakthroughs came this year? Celebrate even the small ones!
- What went well that I want to carry into the new year? (Think about time, relationships, or habits.)
- Thank God for these victories out loud.
- Share God’s goodness with someone in your life.
One of my victories this year was the release of my book, Image Restored. If you haven’t grabbed a copy yet, visit imagerestoredbook.com.
Week Two: Bold Prayers
This week, we’re pausing to praise God for answered prayers and seeking Him for bold, faith-filled prayers. Nothing is too big for God, and He calls us to come to Him with confidence.
Process & Pray:
- What prayers has God answered this year? Write them down to build your faith.
- What am I still praying for? Don’t give up!
- “Jesus, what bold prayers do You want me to pray for the coming year?”
Grab a copy of my book for yourself, a friend, or a small group to study in 2025. Grab one at imagerestoredbook.com.
Week Three: Battle Plan
Back by popular demand is our annual Process and Pray. If you’re new here, in December, we spend every Monday morning in a series where we “Process & Pray through the Year.” As a therapist, I believe in the power of pausing and reflecting so we can embrace the present and look forward to the future.
Thus far, we have big praise and bold prayers. Today we are discussing our battle plan.
Process & Pray:
- What word did God give me for the year?
- What battles did we walk through this year?
- What promises has God spoken to me and my family?
- God, what word are you giving me for the coming year?
- Journal a few verses that God wants you to cling to in 2025