I took the kids to a water park today and we had a blast! I was planning to blog with some fun pictures of them but The Lord put on my heart to let my 7 year old daughter, Ellie, give her perspective of our day. Ellie had an “outside of her shell” moment today that I feel will inspire and encourage you.
The day I tried by ellie Gilbert
today I went to a water park and I swam. here is a picture of Me and my brother and sister.
We swam for a while then my dad said “do you want to go on the big slide?”. I said NO! I said no because I am scared.
then my mom said ” God has not given you a spirit of fear but a power of love and a sound mind “. I was still a little scared but my mom said she will go too. so I whent with my mom to see how fast it goes I saw that it was slow so I decided to try it. while i waited for my turn I said the verse my mom told me. I was scared but I did it anyway. it was fun ! i rode it lots of times after that .
if you ever feel scared just ask god and he will help you. i am glad I went or if I didnt I would have missed the fun.
Precious!!! Thanks for inspiring even us adults because I needed to read this today. Thank you Ellie.
Ellie, I loved your post . I especially liked the idea of speaking God's word to help us when we are afraid of trying. You are so right , we would miss all of the fun! I love you and sure am proud of the super job you did on your mama's blog!
Ellie Joy! This is SO awesome!! I am so proud of you for being so brave, and more importantly, for speaking God's word when you were afraid! That's not always easy to remember but is very important to do. I am so proud of you! Love you!! 🙂
Ellie Joy! This is SO awesome!! I am so proud of you for being so brave, and more importantly, for speaking God's word when you were afraid! That's not always easy to remember but is very important to do. I am so proud of you! Love you!! 🙂
Hi Ellie, I want to tell you that what you said about missing all the fun because of being scared is just what I needed to hear right now. You have reminded me to not be afraid. I know I will miss out on the fun if I were afraid. Thank you, Ellie. I love you ; )
Hi Ellie, what an amazing brave thing you did and I bet you felt great once you had done it! What an awesome Mum you have that encourages you like that. I have shown my daughter this blog so she can be brave too!
Wow Ellie! You are so brave and strong! Do your friends even know how fortunate they are to have such a wise friend like you? I can remember a time when I was about 12 years old and couldn't overcome my fear of getting on a roller coaster at Six Flags over Georgia. It was years later before I finally gathered up the courage to ride it only to discover my love of coasters. I think perhaps if I had had a friend like you, I would have done it much sooner. You encourage people young and old sweet girl. I know your momma is so proud and you should be proud too!