Tune in to this week’s talk therapy episode to pray with me.
A few years ago, my husband bought me a random sign from Hobby Lobby that says:
This sign sits above the tub in our bathroom, and it reminds me to pray without ceasing.
However, even with that sign as a reminder, I still can forget to go to God with everything.
Last week, we heard a young woman lead worship at our church, and the sweatshirt she wore said, “Something happens when I pray.”
There it was again. Another sign to remind me to pray.
I returned home from that conference, and my Bible reading time was in Luke 18, titled “the persistent widow.” Jesus was sharing this parable as an example of how we should pray persistently without ceasing.
Since you are reading these words, I believe God is using me to remind you to pray.
What have you grown weary in praying for?
The salvation of a loved one?
Healing in your body?
Restoration of a relationship?
Marriage reconciliation?
Financial breakthrough?
Freedom from bondage?
1 Thessalonians 5:17 says, “Never stop praying.” (NLT) Other translations say, “Pray without ceasing.”
Will you join me in being a persistent prayer? I can’t wait to hear your praise reports.
P.S.I believe in the power of prayer and community. I’m excited to share that I forming a body image community that is free to join. Click here and scroll down to join. Your first email will include a free download of a template I share in my book called, “My Community Wheel.” You can pre-order Image RESTored on Amazon, and be sure to join my email list on the website to be the first to know about the exciting pre-order bonuses.