I was recently given a challenge to think about what word or phrase represents our family.  It was really tough because several scriptures came to mind. Some of our favorites over the years have been Jeremiah 29:11(God’s plan for us), Ephesians 3:20(God can do anything), 2 Timothy 1:7(God gives us power, love and a sound mind) and Exodus 14:14(Be still).
As I prayed about which of these have remained over the years the Lord drew my attention to Exodus 14:14 “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still”.  The recurring word for us is Be Still…..
My husband and I are very driven people.  We are the type that you don’t have to ask us to get work done or go the extra mile, we just do it.  While that is a blessing it can also cause the issue of working too much and trying to control things that are simply out of our control.  Over the years when we need a breakthrough in a certain area of our life the word God gives us is “Be still”.  Those words are painful to driven people because you feel a sense of laziness or failure.  But it’s in that weakness that God is able to show up and show off His glory.  We need the constant reminder that HE is in control and it’s ONLY because of Him that we are where we are today.  
A few of our “be still” moments: the timing of our engagement 10 years ago, where my husband would work after he graduated chiropractic school(if he hadn’t been still we wouldn’t have encountered a God opportunity of purchasing a practice), the redemption of my miscarriage with our only son being born on my birthday, the purchase of our first home(again if we hadn’t been still we would have missed a God opportunity).
And now, we are in another “be still” moment.  We have done all we can do in our own power but we need God to perform some miracles in an area of our life.  When fear creeps in about whether God is going to do it I just remind myself of all the times He has been faithful.  As tough as it is to be still I love watching God move when I step aside.  
What is your word or phrase for your family?  I recently discovered these Letterpress Blocks from Dayspring that you can use to create any word you can think of!  I created the “Be Still” image(above) and here are a few examples of other things people have created with them:


(Discloser: should you choose to click the images above & purchase these Letter blocks I will earn a small commission. I only share the things I love!:))
I challenge you to answer this question as well, what word describes you or your family?  I would love to hear what it is and why you chose it!

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