This week on Real Talk with Rachael, I’m talking with Christy Wright about her new book Living True: 40 Days to Get Back to You. Christy Wright is a #1 national best-selling author, personal development expert, and host of The Christy Wright Show. She’s been featured on Today Show and Fox News and in Entrepreneur and Woman’s Day Magazines. Since 2009, Christy has served at Ramsey Solutions, where she teaches on personal development, business, and faith.
Key Points from Our Conversation:
- Christy started writing books and doing events and moving into the online space was a natural way to market her brand. What you’re seeing now is the online evolution of the brand in response to the market and where God is leading her.
- The Christy Wright Show was created from her call to build a bridge between the faith world and the personal development world.
- We often depend on God to show up or we put it on ourselves and take God out of the equation. It’s not either/or, it’s a both. We are called to be good stewards.
- Christy’s new devotional Living True: 40 Days to Get Back to You was inspired after hearing from women some version of “I feel like I’ve lost myself. I don’t know who I am anymore.” And she felt it herself – lost in seasons of life.
- “Your season is where you are, not who you are.”
- If you feel lost because you’ve never known your true self, look to the One who created you. If you start with the foundation of who you are from God’s Word, then you can complement that with personality tests and input from the people who know you best.
- “When you try to figure out who you are apart from God, you’ll always have a fragmented picture; you will never have a full picture.”
4 Things You Need to Know to Get Back to Yourself:
- Who God is – Living True: 40 Days to Get Back to You breaks down simple concepts – God is good, faithful, on time, all-knowing, all-powerful, etc. When you get to know God’s character, it’s easier to identify him in life. Who He is never changes with the seasons.
- Who you are – the truth of what God says about you and your value that can combat the false narratives we build about our identities.
- Where you are – The truth about our seasons of life is that it affects our experience of reality. We have the tendency to draw conclusions about our identity based on the season we’re in. Separating yourself from your season gives you the strength and grace you need to get through it and a healthier view of yourself. It also gives you permission to be fully present in the season you’re in.
- Where you’re going – we need to challenge the feelings and sentiments that we adopt as adults as practical, logical (I’m not going to get my hopes up, etc.). That is not in line with scripture. God never asks us to be more practical. He calls us to have big faith. He’s the God of hope. His plans for us are good.
Let’s Get Real Practical:
Reflect on these questions this week –
What season are you in now?
What lies have you believed in this season? What truth does God want to show you about the season you’re in today?
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Connect with Christy: website | Instagram | Facebook
Connect with Rachael: website | Instagram | Facebook